Crispy popcorn with nutty brown butter and salt – the perfect after school, or game day snack!

Homemade popcorn doesn’t get enough love. Molly Baz gets it right in her cookbook, Cook This Book, with her recipe simply called “The Right Way to Make Popcorn”. You will never go back. This is the ultimate in buttery salty fluffy popcorn, made with just a dutch oven and a few simple ingredients. It comes together in minutes, it’s incredibly flavorful, and isn’t greasy – the flavors of the butter and salt pop WITH the corn, infusing it throughout. The first couple of times I made this, I thought I burned it – I tested with several different types of oil, and realized the milkfat solids from the butter were toasting, ultimately making the popcorn have that delicious nutty brown butter decadence. I thought about using ghee, but this was the best part! I think Molly suggests using a tsp of ground turmeric to hide that color tint, but it gives it character – so let it ride. You will like it either way.

Brown Butter Popcorn
- dutch oven
- 1/4 cup canola or coconut oil needs a high cookpoint
- 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter
- 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
- Heat 1/4 cup canola or coconut oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat, until shimmering.
- Add 1/2 cup popcorn kernels, 1/4 cup butter, and 1 1/2 tsp salt to the pot, swirling until the ingredients are all melted together. Immediately put the lid on, and continue to cook over medium heat, swirling every 30-60 seconds. Cook until you hear 3 second breaks in the popping, then remove from the heat, and tilt the lid about 1 inch, to allow steam to escape will the last few kernels pop.
- Pour the kernels into a large bowl, and enjoy!

I would like it on my birthday too, and Neil’s, Lexi’s all the Carr girls..😂🤣